Agenda for 5 July 2011


  1. Status updates
    1. Chris: Tools in FastJet/SpartyJet
    2. Jay: Benchmark signals
    3. Stefan: Sherpa samples
    4. Marcel: jet_substructure.pdf: Detector modeling
    5. Anyone else?
  2. How to start making comparisons?
    1. Where to put code (SVN), plots (wiki), samples (?)
    2. Who wants to work on this?
      1. My suggestion: assign each signal/"signal class" to one person
    3. What else needs to happen before we can get started?
  3. Time frame/plan going forward
    1. What is our schedule?
    2. Should this be a standalone paper?
    3. Make any remaining assignments and plan for next meeting.
-- ChristopherVermilion - 05 Jul 2011

This topic: Boost2010 > WebHome > Boost2011 > ComparisonsPlan > AgendaJuly5
Topic revision: 05 Jul 2011, MarcelVos
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