What's new in tools and techniques (Jesse Thaler):
N-subjettiness (Jesse Thaler)
dipolarity (Jankowiak)
without trees (Larkoski)
shower decomposition (Spannowsky)
gluon tagging (Gallicchio)
ISR tagging (Krohn)
New results from the LHC (Sal and Lily):
jet shape results from ATLAS (Mario Martinez) and CMS (Rahmat Rahmat)
CMS b bbar correlations -> arXiv:1102.3194, JHEP1103 (2011) 136 (no one at BOOST)
substructure measurements on fat jets in ATLAS (Adam Davison, Lily Asquith, David Miller)
jet mass measurements and mistag rates in CMS (Sal, Jim Dolen, Ricardo Vazquez)
observation of boosted objects (Miguel Villaplana)
What's calculable and measurable in 2011? (Jon Walsh):
State of calculability (what observables are calculated, calculable)
"Theory wish-list" for 2011-2 analyses
(Matt's write-up is a start at both of these)
New software tools (Gavin).
Benchmarking substructure performance (Chris):
samples (Peter Skands for the tunes, Andrew Altheimer, Jay Wacker)
what signals???
detector simulation (Peter Loch)
Comprehensive tool set
basic comparisons of taggers
Compare MCs/tunes/matching/NLO???
detector response
There are a number of decision points in this list, some more implicit than others Some of them:
Do we include lepton jets?
What experimental results get included? (Survey upcoming ones?)
How do we gather together the tools in software? Is that under some new "framework" in FastJet 3? Is that process part of these proceedings?
What comparisons should we be making between tools? E.g., what signals, what figure(s) of merit, how to optimize, etc.? This could easily become an enormous undertaking if we're not careful!