50 recent changes in Boost2010 Web retrieved at 08:15 (GMT)

The Boost2010 events can be found here. As we generate more events, I will add links from here. Old and new samples are also located on the UW server here (down a...
Steps in making efficiency plots, no input optimization 1 For no input parameter optimization, you can just run the analyis once and then work with that output...
Task List and Guide Event Samples Results Substructure tools in SpartyJet Agenda for July 5 meeting Agenda for June 28 meeting Sub projects Top tagging compari...
The current SpartyJet release is 3.6.1, available at our HepForge page. To check out the SVN trunk, do svn co http://svn.hepforge.org/spartyjet/trunk spartyjet_l...
New efficiency plots (12/10) Here are some new plots. Some notes: TW is "Thaler and Wang", cutting on kT mass and min mW mass, then zcell (see last year's report)...
Table Of Contents Two body decay (Z) results: ZResults Some efficiency curves for three body analyses: TopEfficiencies Three body decay (top vs. di jet...
Just a plot dump for now... Main.ChristopherVermilion 09 Aug 2011 * Eta distribution in dijet events: * Mass distribution in dijet events: * pT d...
Here are some Zj/dijet results from Lily. Below are some results using the WHOTag.py script, running on the Zj and dijet samples (pt 500 600) from the Boost 2010 ...
Boost2010 Web Preferences The following settings are web preferences of the Boost2010 web. These preferences overwrite the site level preferences in . and ...
Agenda for 28 June 2011 Minutes 1 Introductions, who's interested in what 1 Discussion of scope: What comparisons to make? 1 Which signals? Probably a...
1 Status updates 1 Chris: Tools in FastJet/SpartyJet Work on these is ongoing; hope to have something written up for next week 1 Jay: Benchmark signa...
Agenda for 5 July 2011 Minutes 1 Status updates 1 Chris: Tools in FastJet/SpartyJet 1 Jay: Benchmark signals 1 Stefan: Sherpa samples ...
Here is an outline of suggestions from Jay to get us started: I have 4 benchmark signals points to consider. I'm doing fully specified benchmarks (ie all masses a...
Comparisons plan Outline for Proceedings 1 Lepton jets (???) 1 What's new in tools and techniques (Jesse Thaler): 1 N subjettiness (Jesse Thaler) ...
Minutes for 28 June 2011 1 Introductions, who's interested in what. (I've tried to summarize; feel free to edit your entry. An ", etc." is assumed after each e...
Welcome to the Boost2010 wiki This wiki contains resources related to the Boost 2010 conference. * ReadingList * SoftwareTools * HadronicWGWriteup * L...
Important note: in the plots below, the curves for filtered jets were incorrect NOW CORRECTED . They were generated with a version of SpartyJet that contained a ...
Groomed Mass Comparison plots (single pt bin, Gavin's version) The approach taken here is to concentrate on the 500 600 GeV pt bin. The logic is that this is a re...
Subpages GroomedMassComparisons GroomedMassComparisonsSinglePt (Gavin's version) Robustness study Rationale The aim of this study is to establish the level o...
Main.AdrianLewis 26 May 2010 This is a reading list of papers relating to Boost 2010. Jet based Search Techniques Higgs * J.M. Butterworth, A.R. Davison, R. ...
PerformanceChecks wiki SVN area Main.MugeKaragoz 24 Jun 2010
* .MugeKaragoz * .WikiGuest * .WikiGuest example #64;your.company
Main.MugeKaragoz 25 Jun 2010
Main.AdrianLewis 26 May 2010 This is a list of useful software tools * MadGraph/MadEvent * FastJet * Variable R * jet pruning * jet trimmi...
" warn="off"}% * ** * * * * * * * *
Foswiki's Boost2010 web The web for users, groups and offices. Foswiki is the Free and Open Source Wiki.
" else="Foswiki's Boost2010 web"}% /Boost2010 The web for users, groups and offices. Foswiki is the Free and Open Source Wiki.
Statistics for Boost2010 Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads...
Number of topics: 34

See also: rss-small RSS feed, recent changes with 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 topics, all changes
Topic revision: r1 - 09 Jan 2009, ProjectContributor
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