The current SpartyJet release is 3.6.1, available at our HepForge page.

To check out the SVN trunk, do
 svn co spartyjet_local_name
The trunk currently requires FastJet 3.0.0 (the latest FastJet, available on the FastJet page). If you want to use an older FastJet, use 3.6.1.

Substructure tools in SpartyJet

All of the substructure tools given on the main page are available in SpartyJet. I've added a file to the SVN which shows how to use all of the top-tagging tools, as well as Peter Loch's detector simulation. Two-body tools should appear shortly.

Step-by-step instructions from a novice

Here is exactly what I did to set everything up to work with the new FastJet release and an updated SpartyJet. Keep in mind, anytime you see /Users/fizisist/Work/ you will need to replace it with the path specific to your laptop or work machine. I have also included below the commands that I used to verify the installation (e.g. ./ and checking $PYTHONPATH) which I think are a good thing for you to do too.

In addition, here is the full logfile with these instructions, including the a reduced set of the STDOUT from the commands that were executed, just for reference.

  • Setup.log: A full log file of the installation procedure, including the STDOUT for reference.

$> svn co SpartyJet
$> mkdir FastJet
$> cd FastJet/
$> wget
$> tar xzf fastjet-3.0alpha3.tar.gz 
$> cd fastjet-3.0alpha3/
$> ./configure --prefix=/Users/fizisist/Work/FastJet/fastjet-3.0alpha3 --enable-trackjet
$> make
$> make install
$> make check
$> cd ../../SpartyJet/
$> export PATH=$PATH:/Users/fizisist/Work/FastJet/fastjet-3.0alpha3
$> type fastjet-config
fastjet-config is /Users/fizisist/Work/FastJet/fastjet-3.0alpha3/fastjet-config
$> source
$> make
$> cd examples_py/
$> ./
$> cd ../
$> cd data/
$> wget
$> wget
$> gunzip herwig65-lhc7-dijets-pt0500-0600.UW.gz
$> gunzip herwig65-lhc7-ttbar2hadrons-pt0500-0600.UW.gz
$> cd ../
$> mkdir boost_2011
$> cd  boost_2011
$>  <Get and from the TWIKI>
$> python ../data/herwig65-lhc7-dijets-pt0500-0600.UW dijets.root
$> python ../data/herwig65-lhc7-ttbar2hadrons-pt0500-0600.UW ttbar.root
$> cp ../examples_py/ .
$> python dijets.root ttbar.root 

-- ChristopherVermilion - 13 Jul 2011
I AttachmentSorted ascending Action Size Date Who Comment
Setup.loglog Setup.log manage 3 K 26 Jul 2011 - 16:21 DavidMiller A full log file of the installation procedure, including the STDOUT for reference.
Topic revision: r6 - 27 Oct 2011, ChristopherVermilion
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